Early Kentish Wills. Communicated by J. G. Reprinted from "Archologia Cantiana." vol. XI.
by James Harris Greenstreet
ISBN: 9781241332303
List Price: $15.75
Kent Fines, Edward II ... Edited by James Greenstreet. Reprinted from Archologia Cantiana, etc.
by Anonymous, James Harris Gre...
ISBN: 9781241603656
List Price: $24.75
Assessments in Kent for the Aid to Knight the Black Prince, Anno 20. Edward III. Edited by J...
by Anonymous, James Harris Gre...
ISBN: 9781241332372
List Price: $17.75
Abstracts of the Feet of Fines for Kent, temp. Edward III. ... Reprinted from 'Archologia Ca...
by Greenstreet, James Harris
ISBN: 9781240934973
List Price: $15.75
Holders of Knights' Fees in Kent at the Knighting of the King's Son. Anno 38, Henry III., A....
by James Harris Greenstreet
ISBN: 9781241332310
List Price: $17.75